Sunday, June 27, 2010

Eastern WA Street team

I had some fun this week with the etsy group I am in. Leanna opened a chat room on etsy to teach a few of us to make treasuries. Our team is very pro treasurey and makes many of them to promote our shops. We have a new program that we choose one shop owner and make treasuries featuring that person's shop. The goal is to make as many as we have time to to promote that person's shop. I made my first two treasuries after the chat. It was fun and now I am addicted to making them. It really is a great way to find shops one has never visited before!

I also recieved a message from Tania on yahoo from the team and got a link to a great blog that promotes home based sellers and their shops.
I love that this blog supports and promotes us in this way!

Have a great week! See you tomorrow for DWM!


PS-I am trying to put links in here and have not figured it out yet!

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