I have a new quilt started. It is one of those things where the fabric and pattern just kind of jumped out and said "Make Me!" I'm working on piecing the blocks, and them I'll put the applique's in the middle of each block. It will have a simple heart applique' in the middle. It is called Country Wedding in the book "Quilt Lovers Favorites" vol 7.

I have to get ready for work now, so have a great day!
God bless
the new quilt is very cool-I hope the shots help too-sending prayers and positive thoughts to you and Shara.
Hope Shara gets some relief. My thoughts are with her. And I love the snowballs, the appliques will be gorgeous when it is finished!
Those quilts that say make me are always the ones I get done fastest and just love them.
Great new quilt, I love those ones that say make me!!
I have way too many that are screaming "make me"! Hope all went well this morning. Look forward to seeing what kind of applique ends up in the circles.
My best to Shara. Do hope the cortisone helps.
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