Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy New Year-Belated!

This year is already in its second month! Gosh time flies! I am trying really hard to focus on quilting some projects from last year and not make very many new tops this year until those from last year are done. I need to put a whole bunch of new things in my etsy shop too. I'm having problems getting my camera to download photos, and I have not spent the time to figure out what the problem is. Well...hopefully I can show my finishes soon! This is just a short post to let everyone know I'm still here!
That last post...about my crazy night...sometimes I wonder if bedside nursing at night is for me, but I am going to continue until the Lord shows me another opportunity. I always seem to know when it is time to move on in my career.
Hope everyone's year is happy, healthy, and productive as I also wish that for myself and my family!
God Bless